Wednesday, February 25, 2015

What If the Truth Stings?

Prior to the IF Gathering the Lord placed Philippians 2:4&5 on my heart. Reminding me to look for ways to encourage others in their callings, gifts, and talents - to pursue a greater portion of humility in life. To have my joy complete in being a cheerleader for others in their goals. It's a direction that my actions and heart were going but when I read this passage everything made sense.

Christine Cain shared a powerful message at the IF Gathering in Austin. During which she made a side statement, "Stop walking into your personal destiny and go into your churches calling, your community's calling..." My heart shouted in joy and my lips agreed with a big ole amen from the top balcony of ACL. 

Community has become an active part of our lives over the past 4 years and serving the church verses serving from my calling is a prayer I've boldly prayed the last few years. Serving from a calling verses serving from a title is what the Kingdom needs. 

This is an area I did not understand or even try to a few years ago. It wasn't on my radar or agenda. That is embarrassing to admit, but I'm thankful for spiritual growth and the freedom to say that is where I use to be - but am not any longer. I'm thankful that the truth stings. My husband has taught me great humility in this area and continues to be an example of what this looks like in day to day life. 

Our livelihood is ministry - but I long to never again see it as a job. For those who serve Jesus-serve the church, community, and Kingdom who do not receive a pay check - you are an incredible blessing and encouragement to the body. You are an asset that can not be replaced. Your rewards are beautiful in glory! But I want to encourage you, right along side of me, not to walk in personal destiny of where your servanthood can lead you but instead lets come together to pursue the calling of the church. The Kingdom.

Ephesians 2:4-22 is a powerful resource for todays church, as believers lets not work separately, please can we stop holding grudges, lets let go of hostility, lets work towards communication instead of misunderstanding, and lets put aside our personal ambitions and work towards the calling of the church. We don't have time for all that stuff.

If you entertain it
and if you have time for it
Then you are making room in your heart for bondage
instead of clearing the path for freedom in Jesus over your life.

You are making room for bondage in your church instead of pursuing freedom for the Kingdom.

Pursuing the call of the church or in your community doesn't mean we can't have goals or dreams of our own but lets not forget the calling of the church in pursuit of those.

Lets value the platform of Christ over the platform of self.

Know that this is for me! More than anything I write to hold myself accountable to what the Lord is teaching me. I share here in the hopes of conversation and encouraging one another. This has been on my heart and in my thoughts lately and today I finally felt brave enough to share it.

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