Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tuesday Texas Night

Noah bundled up with his birdie! (that was lost for like 3 weeks!!!, we found her! she was in a box of stuff in Noahs closet)
pretty sky!

Tuesday we went for a family walk..Noah enjoys not being in his car seat while on walks. I brought birdie with us (Johnny calls birdie his girlfriend bc its pink).

today is thursday. I am currently watching Mr. Stinky (that would be my son) sitting up and playing with his toys. He started sitting up about a week ago. Let me rephrase that..when we sit him up he can sit up until he gets bored and decides to scootch around for a toy. He is trying so hard to sit up on his own, he can get his left leg under his little behind but can seem to get up yet.
HE CRAWLED!!! about 3 nights ago. i was stunned. He's been getting up on all fours for a while now but just would kinda rock back and forth. but we were about to go somewhere and he was on the floor and next thing i knew there goes the left arm and right leg. it was GREAT! Only one motion. but thats a start :)

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