Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Round One

Merry Christmas!! Just a few days late!
Christmas was interesting this year, but really good! Christmas eve we spent just the three of us, went to church on christmas day (one of the BEST messages on Christmas I have ever heard), came home & started cooking our Turkey Dinner. I guess I’ll add that on Christmas Eve our plumbing in the bathrooms started having some issues. BIG ISSUES! We have a home warranty so we called it in & they were unable to find a SINGLE Plumber to come out on christmas eve or christmas day. This really made for a very interesting few days. Anyhoo…so we started cooking the Turkey following the recipe posted on my last entry from

About 3 1/2 hours later it came out perfect! The only thing we didn’t do was leave the turkey uncovered like the recipe instructed to do. Instead we covered it with foil until the last 30 minutes. It came out so YUMMY!!! We were pretty shocked with our Turkey making skills. The dressing was so stinking good & so was the gravy. For the gravy I used my Grandma Wallen’s recipes. It is unbelievably easy but you would never know it. Simply put 3 heaping tablespoons of flour in a mason jar, with 1 cup of milk, salt, pepper and start shaking like a crazy lady until all the lumps are no more. Then add it to about 1 cup of turkey/chicken broth that is heating up on the stove. SO GOOD!
We set the table with all of the great finds from the dollar tree & my DIY Christmas Trees & Christmas Bulbs from Targets $1 bins (aren’t those great?) My Christmas Table cost me a whopping $15 :)
We let Noah open a gift from us while we waited for Johnny’s family to arrive. Love my sweet Christmas baby!
He is getting to be such a little boy….if that makes sense? He is just not really a baby anymore, but thankfully he is SUCH a Cuddly little boy. So happy about that!
My sweet man opening a present from me :) He’s so handsome! 
Noah was very happy to see his Nanna!! As well as his grandpa & uncle Mike!Later that night we headed to a hotel in town to avoid the plumbing problems & we enjoyed the ability to take a shower too. On Monday Noah watched daddy & the plumber outside while they discussed what happened.
He also enjoyed strutting his stuff around in his new cowboy boots from Johnny’s parents. He loves them!!! Although, they are a little big & he has trouble walking in them lol.
Although this Christmas had some interesting twists & turns it was a really good day! Love being with sweet family & hanging out. This was Christmas round one, we still have christmas round 2 with my parents & siblings this weekend. Can’t wait to see my new baby nephew tucker!
I am such a lucky & blessed lady!
I hope you had a great Christmas too! (Free of Plumbing issues)

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