Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My Words for 2015.

(I wrote this out last week but just now having a chance to share here)
Have you ever had one of those moments when you know that the Lord is speaking something so clearly to your heart that you can't run from his words?

maybe you try to run but then there comes a point when you know that you will never escape them?

I've been running from my word for 2015 in the hopes that I was hearing all wrong from the Lord. This morning I finally feel at peace about it. Knowing that this word to live by is not just for me; sometimes I'm so naive to think that my life is actually about me. The Lord is so gracious in love to remind me that it is not - when I need reminded the most. It is about others too. Its about his kingdom.

I took a shower this morning and was suppose to be relaxing from all of the chaos of our entire family being hit with yet stomach bug. But all I could focus on was the word and phrase that has been singing in my heart so loudly for a month now.

"Sacrifice. Love well."

I have been terrified of what these words might mean for me, my wants, my needs, my plans, and my desires that I've been incapable of realizing that the Lord holds all of that in his hands. He gives us the desires of our hearts. So the truth is that when we let him lead in our lives that our desires and wants shift. Our hearts align with his plans. 

The shift is so graceful that it doesn't have to hurt much instead it can be some of the most beautiful pieces of our lives coming together. Giving every part of ourselves over to the Lord allows areas of our lives that never went well together before or perhaps we tried to make them work together on our own - finally they all come together. 

His heart becoming ours allows his plans to overcome our lives. 

This is where my faith rest this year.
This is where my trust is this year.

That somehow I can learn to sacrifice, to love well that it becomes something the Lord plants deep in my heart that it will never be removed. A part of my lifestyle.

Last year my words were, Celebrate - Never Silent. Psalm 30:11&12. 
It was an incredible year of learning and adapting that to my life. Each year my hope is that the Lord prunes my heart & life, replacing parts that need to go with these new actions that desperately need to stay.
When I finally got brave enough to say my words out loud to my husband he joked, "hmm too bad it can't be celebrate again huh?" We laughed so hard. Knowing that learning to sacrifice and love well may not be the prettiest of things for this lady of his.

I share my words there to make it a declaration for myself. Not to be boastful. 
Instead to be bold and to uncover some real ugly parts of my heart in the hopes of growing beautiful ones over them, in their place. Im honestly now so excited about this year. 

I've been scared. Scared that I couldn't do it right or well or maybe I didn't understand what these words truly meant. Sometimes all of that is okay. God doesn't need to me have it all figured out because then what would I need him for? He just needs my yes. 

I'm ready to dive into this year. The Lord is moving powerfully in the plans he has for 2015 for Happy Heart Box. Be sure to subscribe to the newsletter over there. Many things coming this year that I will want you to be apart of! 

Do you pick a word for the year?

I would LOVE to hear it. It would be an honor to cheer you on this year as you strive to live out the words/goals the Lord has given you. Send me a message with your mailing address at happyheartbox@gmail.com with your goals or words. I would love to send you some encouragement in the mail this year! 


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