Friday, June 26, 2015


Tonight I almost feel breathless 
Like each breath is a little harder to take in

My lungs slower to take in the air 
My chest working harder to push it back out 
Consciously reminding myself to keep breathing 

Because I feel out of breath 

My heart aches tonight 
Literally my soul is heavy 

The enemy attacking loved ones
Sickness tearing apart vibrant lives 
lies overpowering minds to pull people deep down into the pit of depression 
addictions over taking precious lives, minds, and hearts. 
Fear crippling perfectly healthy bodies
Worry stripping away promises of the gospel 
Judgement decaying the body of Christ
Unforgiveness festering in hearts leading to destruction 
Women tearing apart women with their eyes, thoughts, and critical attitudes 
Men refusing their roles 
Youth learning to disrespect  
A society feeding off of anger
Communities hating others. Ignoring problems. Developing new ones. 

Me forgetting to pray. 
I feel breathless. 

My heart aches 
My soul is overwhelmed 

A righteous anger must overtake our hearts cries to fight with powerful truths from a savior who defeats all. 

God replace my breathlessness with your truths to fight in a place that exhausts. 
A righteous anger in my battle cry. 
One that never gives me opportunity to forgo praying to sit still in exhaustion. 

A righteous anger to change things, motivate my movements, be an aid in restoring situations by you, breath life into the broken by your grace, and speak your truths above all. 

Give us our breath. 
Let us stand righteously in you. 

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